The system is designed to control parking entry/exit, while monitoring the amount of left parking spots.

We used from the akYtec's offer :
- PASF-60.24
Other elements:
- Ramps
- Ticket printer
- Infrared sensor
- Display for number of empty parking
- Green button
- Ticket scanner

Body of the program in the akYtec ALP
Designation of the Controller I/O Terminals:
- I1: Enter button
- I2: IR-sensor 1
- I3: Ticket scanner
- I4: IR-sensor 2
- Q1: Ramp 1 (entry ramp)
- Q2: Ramp 2 (exit ramp)
- Q3: Ticket printer
download sample project
Input variables:
- Enter button (gets value 1 when someone press button)
- IR-sensor 1 ( gets value 1 when triggered ( entry sensor))
- IR-sensor 2 ( gets value 1 when triggered ( exit sensor))
- Ticket scanner ( gets value 1 when you scan paid ticket , otherwise 0 )
Output variables:
- Ramp 1 ( gets value 1 when you want to open ramp)
- Ramp 2 ( gets value 1 when you want to open ramp)
- Ticket printer ( gets value 1 when someone press button and there is empty parking spots)
- Empty slots ( network variable for external display)
Full technical description of the project
Note: Ticket scanner, ticket printer and external display are not our products, so this is a theoretical solution. Real solutions will vary depending on actual devices used in the project.
In the yellow box you should set number of spots your parking has.
In the blue box is a counter (CTN1) which monitors the number of cars in parking. Total parking slots will be compared with the number of cars in parking and if there are empty slots, the value of variable “you can park” will be set to 1.
In the green box is logic for entering parking. Firstly system waits for “enter button” to be pressed and if that happens ( and if there is empty parking spots) system is triggered, meaning :
- your parking ticket will be printed
- Ramp 1 is opened
- And you have 15 second to go through the ramp
If you don't go through the ramp in 15 seconds, the ramp will start to close (this process will take 5 seconds to complete). If you, in those 5 seconds, cross over IR-sensor the ramp will open and allow only 1 (your car) to go into parking, meaning any other car behind you will not make the ramp open again.
In the pink box is logic for exiting parking. Firstly the system waits for a paid ticket to be scanned and if that happens the system is triggered (procedure is identical to enter logic).
In the light red box is network variable “empty slots” which is used to talk to the external display.
akYtec products used in the project